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Animal Kingdom

Animal Reiki

Animal Reiki

“We should have respect for animals because it makes better human beings of us all.”


—Jane Goodall

​Anyone who has ever shared their lives with an animal friend, or worked closely with an animal in the course of work or daily life, will know that profound levels of understanding and communication are possible. Animals have fewer barriers to communication on an energetic level, as their instinct and sensitivity are honed to maximize survival. This makes animals very receptive to energy transference, and they will often show subtle signs that they are aware of the reiki energy flowing through for healing to occur, such as becoming placid or sleep.


Happy Earthlings

Gallery of those I was blessed to work with.


  • Alleviating anxiety, stress, nervousness and producing a state of calm

  • Increasing energy levels and overall well-being

  • Supplementing medical treatments

  • Helping to heal after surgery, injury or trauma

  • Relieving aches, pains, strains, and allergies

  • Addressing issues with the coat, skin or feathers

  • Getting pets through depression or bereavement

  • Pet parent(s) benefit from knowing they are passing along loving-kindness and healing, all of which strengthen the bond between you and your pet.

  • Helping both the parent(s) and dying pet to ease the transition process.


Based on personal experience with my feathered family members and clients, I observed that similar to humans, every animal reacts differently to reiki. Hence, during my sessions:

  • I always ensure that the animals and/or pets are with their human parents or caregivers to ensure both safety and comfort for all of us.

  • For bigger animals (e.g. dogs & cats), parents and/or caregivers are to be near or carrying them.

  • I usually get the parent to place their bird (other small animals) in their open hands, to ensure the bird is comfortable and its wings are folded to the body and the animal's sternum can move freely to breathe. or alternatively, distance reiki will be sent to the animal from a safe distance (e.g. near cage)

  • I seek permission from the animals on both conscious and subconscious levels despite the parents' or caregiver's consent. 

  • Usually, I would encourage either or both parents or caregivers to receive a Usui reiki heart chakra attunement along with their pets as part of enhancing the bond.

Booking arrangements and payments

Only distance reiki services will be available until further notice.

  • Do send in a photo of your pet(s), their respective name(s), the preferred date and time for reiki to be sent, and the type of session (single or package) you wish to sign up for.

  • If you wish to also receive distance reiki healing along with your pet(s) with or without heart chakra attunement, do attach a photo of yourself with a clear vision of your forehead (3rd eye region) with your name.

  • Submit your details via email or WhatsApp message.

  • You will receive an official payment invoice to confirm your booking and an official receipt once the payment is received.

Featured in Newspaper

Eckshar was interviewed in June 2023 for the article featured on 6 December 2023 regarding Reiki healing and animal Reiki. Article link:

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