Intuitive Therapy
Intuitive Therapy
An Integrative and Holistic Mind-Body & Soul Approach to Psychotherapy
An Integrative and Holistic Mind-Body & Soul Approach to Psychotherapy Intuitive therapy (formerly known as Reiki Psychotherapy) is a combination of both the Eastern and Western approaches to aiding an individual to establish and sustain healthy well-being. ​Integrating intuition, mindfulness, Reiki and other energy healing modalities into therapy enables us to increase and balance our energy in a positive way, which helps combat negative thoughts, and emotions, and boosts the immune system through a relaxing meditation approach.
What Is Inutitive Therapy?
Intuitive therapy is a form of integrative psychotherapy that uses intuition to uncover the client's senses they may not be consciously aware of. Our therapist Eckshar uses her intuition alongside reiki or sekhem energy healing in order to access subconscious information and bring it to awareness. Eckshar works from an energetic mind, body, and soul approach which assists clients in uncovering, expressing, and releasing the source, or finding solutions to presenting problem
Intuitive therapy differs from traditional therapy through the use of intuition and offering intuitive feedback. Traditional therapy focuses on the conscious mind or what is known by the client, whereas Intuitive therapy uses a more mindful and spiritual language based upon energy, thus allowing the therapist to guide clients deeper into the unconscious layers of stored emotions to bring to awareness what needs to be released.
Why Inutitive Therapy?
In some cases, as human beings, we often find ourselves struggling to express our emotions and/or thoughts verbally or non-verbally. Yet, a few of us might have encountered people saying to us that "your vibe speaks volumes as compared to your verbal and non-verbal cues". This is simply because we are all at the core, energy beings living a human experience.
In the past, western medicine viewed the body as separated from the mind. The human body is made up of several atoms and molecules and everything is a result of chemical reactions. Whereas Eastern medicine viewed the body as a whole. The mind, body, and soul are connected. As a whole, we are healthy and it was only a matter of being balanced or unbalanced (e.g. chakra points).
Today, for example, we have research and studies on the psychosomatic effect, placebo effect, and biofield energy, that help us understand that we are whole. Our body has the capability of healing itself and our healing capabilities are shaped by both our internal and external environmental factors. Hence, we understand that at times, we do need to provide an integrative and holistic intervention that would help clients to feel empowered to heal certain aspects within themselves to create or sustain healthy well-being and lifestyle.
Intuitive therapy is an integrative holistic approach that serves to empower clients to heal themselves via the combination of psychotherapy and energy therapy. Therefore, anyone seeking guidance and support in their life may benefit from this approach, as clients don't need to know why they are feeling a certain way, only that they would like to feel differently.
Types of techniques and approaches clients may come across during Intuitive Therapy:
Intuitive feedback - The therapist will tap into her intuitive gift to provide intuitive feedback.
Reiki healing + attunement - Clients will not just receive reiki healing but also learn how to channel reiki energy for a short period to aid clients to balance their energy, and reducing stress and anxiety.
- Living Light Energy (Sekhem) healing
Positive affirmations reinforcement
Solution Focused brief therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
How does it work?
In Psychotherapy/Counselling practice, clients find themselves engaging in a dialogue with their therapist/counsellor to become aware of their subconscious mental and emotional blocks on a conscious cognitive level and come up with solutions to sustain a healthy mental and emotional well-being.
Whereas during an Intuitive therapy session, clients find themselves being engaged in deep conversations while using certain techniques to find and learn solutions that allow them to induce a state of relaxation which promotes their body and mind to activate their body's natural growth response mode that is responsible to sustain a healthy immune system and energy.
What to expect during sessions?
The sessions will be conducted in a regular therapy setting.
Clients will be asked to fill up the confidentiality form after reading the terms and conditions.
Clients will be debriefed on the relevant healing techniques or modalities which will be used during the session.
During sessions, clients will be engaging in a deep dialogue with the therapist exploring their mental and emotional selves while incorporating the relevant energy or mindfulness techniques.
Clients will be taught how to implement the techniques learned in sessions to aid in sustaining healthy well-being.
Session Duration
Each session is 2 hours long online or face-to-face
- 260 Singapore dollars
- 1,200 Singapore dollars
- 240 Singapore dollars
- 1,100 Singapore dollars