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Start, Rolling & Action

Writer's picture: Eckshar IsisEckshar Isis

Updated: Aug 26, 2023

Start...Rolling......The director asked a question, to which I replied. At the beginning of last year, I found myself facing a big camera and having to give my expert opinion in Tamil. I am simply grateful for the opportunity given by the production team of the show Pitam Kaniya (2022) which was first telecast on MeWatch Vasantham, and just a few months ago on the Vasantham channel.

I remember the morning of 27 Jan 2022, how anxious, nervous and blessed I was feeling for my first television gig. I was trying to brush up on my forensic psychology clinical definitions and explanations while preparing the answers for the questions which was just given to me a few hours before the shoot time. I called in my friend Jolene and my Dad to help me prepare mentally and emotionally for the shoot.

Getting ready was nerve-racking, as I felt the responsibility and weight of what I was about to do. I am placing my professional credentials and credibility on a big media platform, there is a possibility that what I say may impact my professional image and the brand (Saviour Consultations) I have built over the past 7 years. Well, when I got to the studio which was a few bus stops down from my place, the director Abbas made me feel at ease. His patience and guidance allowed me to convey my expert opinion on the presenting case studies. After the shoot, I remember walking all the way back home feeling blessed and in disbelief at what just simply happened.

I remember thinking, that this opportunity was a blessing, the answer to my prayers.

Well fast forward to August 2023, I now have more media exposure. At the beginning of May 2023, I did a successful professional and branding photoshoot for Saviour Consultations with Silke from Zebra Jojo Photography, featuring most of my services and personality. However, I was not able to do a photoshoot featuring Animal reiki, since my Kiwi (green cheek conure) was considered not big enough for the camera and I was not comfortable renting a dog for the photoshoot. Although I was fine with it, and the animal reiki page was completed using the existing animal reiki photos, a part of me felt it would have been nice to have featured my own feather family in a professional photoshoot. Well, my prayers and subconscious desires were heard and manifested. On 31st May 2023, I was approached by Journalist Anusha (Anu) from Tamil Murasu, a Tamil language newspaper under Singapore Press Holdings. She was doing a story on healing and came across my profile and was interested in featuring my story, especially on Animal Reiki. Anu and her videographer Tim, came over to my place on the 26th of June 2023 and conducted their interview and video/photoshoot for the article. I simply enjoyed sharing my story on my personal reiki and animal reiki journey with Anu, and also glad to know that both Kiwi and Muni might be featured in the article.

Soon after they left, I remembered, checking if Kiwi was doing alright, as earlier he was afraid of the big camera that was focused on him. I then went on to check on Muni who loved sharing the spotlight and interacting with the guest. I just counted my blessings and thanked all divine beings for this opportunity that presented itself and answered my prayers.

But the opportunities didn't end there. On 26th July 2023, I was contacted by Krithanaa the assistant producer of the show Ahbayam. She was looking for an expert for the new show featuring participants seeking professional therapist/counsellor support and guidance to help them face their fears/phobias. I immediately, said yes and a week later I was on a shoot. Prior to that, I was given all the case study details and questions to prepare. I reached out to my CBT supervisor Mr Lam to prepare me for the therapeutic process I needed to apply for the show. For two days I was given a crash re-cap on certain CBT, EMDR and modified Exposure (flooding) techniques which will be best adapted to the production team's plan.

It was a two-day intensive shoot with four out of five participants. I had a really nice time filming with the crew. Director Anuratha, the entire production team (Cannons n Tulips) and the participants were all friendly and cheerful to work with. I was just blessed and humbled by the entire experience. I still have another shoot day next month for the final participant, which means I get to spend another day working with this exceptional production team.

In the meantime, I had a second opportunity to share my viewpoints on Tamil Murasu. I was asked by Journalist Lavanya to share my opinions on several questions pertaining to well-being for a series of articles she is currently working on. We had a quick chat over Zoom call for the segment on 18th August 2023.

Reflecting back on the experiences I had with the Journalists and the Production team for the past few weeks, simply grounds me. I am in amazement and in a constant state of gratitude for the universe and all of its divine interventions. The month of August has made me realise how much I have grown as a person and professional over the past 8 years. I am slowly savouring the fruit of my labour and determination to not give up on Saviour Consultations. Patience is key for an entrepreneur who also happens to be a healer.

I now feel that my dark days are over. I now know that the opportunities will continue to flow, as I continue to believe in myself and my wisdom with confidence and humbleness. My media experiences have taught me to embrace my wisdom and credentials with pride simply because I earned them with hard work and sacrifice. I am an expert even though I may not possibly know it all. What I know is worth sharing especially if it is something that could possibly help someone reshape their mindset for a healthier wellbeing.

In conclusion, I can say that my exposure to the media has helped me heal from all the impact caused by gaslighting and cyberbullying episodes of the past. It taught me how to better own my voice and power, and to stand firm while I project my authenticity and wisdom with confidence. I am no longer easily affected by others' opinions on how I should use my voice, as now I am aware of my power and the wisdom that I hold. I choose to use it wisely for the benefit of myself and others' well-being.

Thank you to all my supporters, well-wishers and Divine beings for your unconditional love, support and guidance. May I and those who are like me, passionate individuals with proper academic and professional qualifications and credentials continue to receive showers of divine blessings for successful growth, good health, abundance and prosperity in all areas and aspects of life.

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